
 MongoDB is an open source, document-based database management system that does not require a table schema description. MongoDB - classified as NoSQL and uses JSON-like documents and a database schema. If all four previous DBMSs are well known to most IT professionals, then few have heard of MongoDB. But she confidently takes the 5th line in almost all ratings. And as a result, in our ranking, she also occupies the 5th position.

What is this rating based on?

 What is this rating based on?

All the programming languages ​​that are presented in this material did not get here by chance, they are all really popular and in demand, which is proved by numerous indicators, indices and various analytical data.

All these data and indicators form special services, however, each of these services uses its own programming language ranking algorithm.

Someone is based on the frequency of language mentions in search engine queries, someone is based on the number of questions asked about a particular language in specialized forums, and someone is based on the number of projects implemented in a particular language.

In any case, separately, each of these ratings does not reflect the exact actual popularity of a particular programming language, since data from only one indicator is often taken as a basis. And some ratings simply contradict each other.

However, if we analyze all the sources, we can identify several languages ​​that are most often found in the top of each rating and we can conclude that they are really popular and in demand, in all areas, and not just in any one.

Thus, in order to simplify your task in analyzing all the necessary information, this material presents the TOP 7 programming languages, which is based on data from all popular official ratings and indicators for the previous year.

Data sources (official indicators, indexes and ratings of programming languages):

TIOBE - the index is based on data from search engines Google, Bing, Yahoo;
PYPL (PopularitY of Programming Language) - the rating is based on data from the Google search engine;
IEEE Spectrum - Interactive: The Top Programming Languages ​​- Based on 11 metrics from 8 sources: Google search, Twitter mentions, GitHub repositories, Stack Overflow questions, Reddit posts, Hacker News posts, Job openings on CareerBuilder and IEEE Job Site;
GitHub - based on the statistics of the use of programming languages ​​in repositories;
Stack Overflow - based on the number of questions related to the programming language;
W3Techs - based on the number of sites using a particular programming language;
Among other things, the frequency of mentions in vacancies on HeadHunter was taken into account. In some controversial moments, of course, personal preferences, knowledge and opinion were connected.