
 MongoDB is an open source, document-based database management system that does not require a table schema description. MongoDB - classified as NoSQL and uses JSON-like documents and a database schema. If all four previous DBMSs are well known to most IT professionals, then few have heard of MongoDB. But she confidently takes the 5th line in almost all ratings. And as a result, in our ranking, she also occupies the 5th position.


 Python is a versatile scripting programming language. It is suitable for implementing a variety of tasks, and is used in almost all areas, from web development to the creation of desktop and mobile applications, including games, and, of course, for data analytics.

Python is focused on improving code performance and readability. Python supports structured, object-oriented, aspect-oriented, functional, and imperative programming.

According to the PYPL and IEEE Spectrum ratings, Python is the most popular programming language, according to other versions, it is also among the leaders. It is in second place because it is mentioned a little less frequently in job postings than the aforementioned JavaScript.